What is the EmeryAllen Difference?
You deserve a better bulb, and that takes focus. We only engineer high performance miniature LED bulbs.
Paint Your World in Light
EmeryAllen offers lighting for every mood and environment. From beautiful outdoor lighting to astonishing indoor ambiance, we have the perfect lightbulb for every situation. Over 30 years of continuous innovation in the lighting industry led to the product line you see today. With EmeryAllen, feel free to get creative and paint your world in light.
We’ve Got You Covered
Our product array is vast yet personal. Ranging from 12V Miniature LED Lamps that make your outdoor area stand apart, to 120V LED Lamps that radiate warmth throughout your home or workplace. There’s a reason why EmeryAllen bulbs are seen in Starbucks, Macy’s, Google, Amazon and many other prominent locations.
Best of Both Worlds
Did you know that LED bulbs use a 1/10th of the energy of incandescent bulbs, provide gorgeous lighting, and are remarkably affordable over their lifespan? EmeryAllen prides itself on engineering superior lighting solutions for all homeowners.